Day :
- Bio materials

Piedad N De Aza
Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain
Session Introduction
Piedad N De Aza
Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain
Title: Silicocarnotite †Tricalcium phosphate: a new bioactive ceramic which transforms in situ into porous hydroxyapatite
Time : 10:00-10:40

Piedad N de Aza received her doctoral degree in Chemistry-Ceramic 1995. She did a postdoctoral stage at the IRC in Biomaterials at the Queen Mary College, University of London (U.K.) working on in vitro and in vivo behavior of bioceramics. She is Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering and Researcher at the Bioengineering Institute at the Miguel Hernandez de Elche University. Piedad N de Aza received her doctoral degree in Chemistry-Ceramic 1995. She did a postdoctoral stage at the IRC in Biomaterials at the Queen Mary College, University of London (U.K.) working on in vitro and in vivo behavior of bioceramics. She is Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering and Researcher at the Bioengineering Institute at the Miguel Hernandez de Elche University.
This work examines the in vitro bioactivity and biocompatibility of new biphasic scaffolds from eutectoid ceramic composition corresponding to the sub-system Silicocarnotite - Tricalcium phosphate, in order to evaluate their potential application in bone tissue engineering. Polyurethane sponges with desired pore size and geometry were used as templates, which were impregnated in barbotine and sintered by heat treatment. In vitro bioactivity was assessed by different soaking times in simulated body fluid (SBF), according to ISO/FDIS 23317. Biocompatibility of adult human mesenchymal stem cells (ah-MSCs), in terms of adhesion and proliferation, were studied in vitro on the scaffolds’ surface. Samples were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Attenuated Total Reflectance by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM-HRTEM). The results showed biphasic porous scaffolds with high porosity and interconnected structure of macro and micropores. The morphology presents a eutectoid microstructure of lamellae type, composed of alternating layers of silicocarnotite and α-tricalcium phosphate (Figure 1A). The eutectoid scaffold material, when soaked in SBF, reacts first by dissolving the silicocarnotite phase and immediately forming a microporous structure of hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) by a pseudomorphic transformation of the α- tricalcium phosphate lamellae. After 21 days, a precipitation of hydroxyapatite formed a layer on the surface of the scaffold plugging the microporous structure keeping the 3D structure of the scaffold intact. The ah-MSCs adhered and proliferated on the scaffolds’ surface, establishing a close contact between them and forming an extensive monolayer to 21 days (Figure 1B). Scaffolds presented a good in vitro bioactivity and biocompatibility then, they might be useful for future applications in bone tissue engineering.
Piedad N De Aza
Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain
- Speaker Session
Piedad N De Aza
Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain
Session Introduction
Chiara Valsecchi
Federal University of Pampa, Brazil
Title: Transparent soda-lime glass fabrication with silica from rice husk ashes
Chiara Valsecchi graduate in Chemistry from the University of Milano – Bicocca, Italy, in 2009, received her master degree from the University of Victoria, Canada, in 2013 and her PhD from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, in 2018. During the first years, she specialized on the study, characterization and fabrication of gold nanoholes arrays as biosensors based on surface plasmon resonance. More recently, she started to focus on material and biomaterial synthetization and characterization, in order to aggregate value to a large industrial waste present in the rural part of the south -west side of Brazil. Currently, she works on silica and activated carbon based filters for water purification and, particularly, silica extraction from bio-waste for glass production and applications.
Rice husk (RH) is an agriculture residue with low added value, considered an high risk environmental pollutant if discarded improperly: it causes soil desertification, increases in air C02 content when burnt, and long-term health problems if inhaled – i.e. silicosis. It can be estimated that 140 million tons of RH are recovered from rice harvesting every year in the world and 2,5% are produced in the south of Brazil. Moreover, RH has a very high silica content, almost 20% of net husk weight. For these reasons, the project aims to extract and purify silica from RH with the intent to produce transparent soda-lime glasses, creating an added value product from an agricultural waste. As silica from RH contains traces of iron oxide and manganese oxide, glass made with untreated silica from RH are generally red-brownish in color. Thus, several factors were investigated in order to obtain the best transparency in the visible region: rice husk chemical pre-treatments (acid lixiviation ) with hydrochloric acid (4% and 10%, A2-A3 samples) and sulfuric acid (4% and 10%, A4-A5 samples); rice husk calcination conditions (temperature and time); and the addition of transition metal oxides to the glass matrix to form transparent metal complexes. The results were very promising: acid lixiviation does remove the transition metal impurities almost totally, producing a ~80% transparent glass in the visible region. Moreover, with the addition of antimony (1%) it was possible to produce a glass transparency equivalent to glass made by sand silica.
Nikolay Gorshkov
Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Russian Federation
Title: The features of High-k hollandite-like ceramics doping by copper
Nikolay Gorshkov is a PhD, assistant professor of the Department of Materials Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Russia). His research interests include solid state ionics (hopping conductivity, multiphase ceramics, electric conductivity, relaxation processes, oxygen vacancies, grain boundary), electrical dielectric materials and composite (impedance and dielectric spectroscopy, conductor, semiconductor, dielectric), methods for producing polymer-matrix composites and nanocomposites. He was researcher of projects, financially supported by Federal target research programs and State research assignments of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation, as well as by Russian Science Foundation. Experience in managing research staff: Russian Science Foundation, project "High-K polymer composites based on hybrid nanostructures (potassium titanates with hollandite structure, decorated with graphene oxide) for products / components of new generation electronic".
Holland-like complex oxides Ax(Ti,M)8O16 (A is a non-framework cation and M is a transition metal substituting for Ti4+ in the framework) are characterized with high polarizability due to mobility of alkaline ions, incorporated into the 1-D channels, and variable valence of the transition metals. These structural features allows considering hollandite-like solid solutions as alternatives to the non-ferroelectric perovskite-like ceramic materials (CaCu3Ti4O12 and Ba(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3) exhibiting high (ε~104) values of the dielectric constant in a wide temperature and frequency ranges. However, the traditional methods used to produce the hollandite-like solid solutions are complicated. In this report, we present a two-stage technology for the synthesis of hollandites in the K2O-CuO-TiO2 system. This methodology is based on a use of the amorphous potassium polytitanate, modified in aqueous solutions of copper salts as a precursor material. A presence of well-developed internal surface of layered PPT flakes allows introducing the transition metal ions directly into the structure of the precursor material. The optimal experimental conditions of the chemical treatment (pH, concentration of the aqueous solution, PPT doses) as well as the following thermal treatment (thermal regimes) which allow producing copper-containing hollandite-like potassium titanates were determined. In this regard, the method to produce sintered at 1000-1100 °C ceramics based on hollandite-like powdered solid solutions was proposed and the electric properties of the obtained ceramic specimens were investigated in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 0.1 Hz. The dielectric constant and tangent of dielectric losses for the ceramic samples calcined at 1075 °C were of 104-105 and 0.2-0.9, respectively. The synthesized material can be used as for the production of ceramic dielectrics as high-k ceramics filled polymer-matrix functional composites. This research was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project â„– 19-73-10133).
Monika Singh
Indian Institute of Technology -BHU, India
Title: The effect of Ga3+ and Cu2+ co-doping on ionic conductivity of Ceria Ceramics as Solid Electrolyte for IT-SOFCs
Monika Singh is 5 th year Ph.D. student in School of Materials science and technology ,Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University(IIT-BHU) She is pursuing her research work under the supervision of Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh (Associate professor). She received his MSc in Physics from the Banaras Hindu University. She has expertise in the study of flash sintering behaviors and its applications. Her research is focused on Study of ceramic and composite based Electrode and electrolyte materials for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFCs). She found the effect of different dopants addition on structure, morphology, sintering, electrical properties of Ceria ceramics as electrolyte for IT-SOFCs. She also successfully improved the ionic conductivity of ceramic oxides as solid electrolytes by addition of carbonates. She has published research papers in the international reputated journals and international conference proceedings.
The current investigation draw an attention to the effect of Ga3+ and Cu2+ addition on the structure, surface morphology and oxygen-ionic conductivity of ceria ceramics in the composition Ce0.8Ga0.2-xCuxO2-d for the promising candidate as the solid electrolyte material in the solid oxide fuel cells working in intermediate temperature range (IT-SOFCs). Ultrafine Ce0.8Ga0.2-xCuxO2-d (for 0£x£0.2) nanoceramics were prepared via glycine nitrate auto-combustion method. Phase identification, microstructure, and ionic conductivity of all the ceria ceramics were observed by powder XRD, SEM, TEM, and impedance analyses measurement were used to analyze phase identification, microstructure, and ionic conductivity of all the ceria ceramics respectively. Similar to cerium oxide cubic fluorite type structure having Fm-3m space group was confirmed by powder XRD followed by Rietveld structural analysis for all the co-doped systems. The density of all samples was found above 85% after sintering at 1300ºC for 4 hrs. The presence of oxygen vacancies in all the compositions were revealed by Raman spectra. Thermal analysis for change in weight was carried out by TGA. Thermal expansion coefficient of the developed electrolytes matches with the commonly used electrode materials. The optimum composition Ce0.8Ga0.05Cu0.15O1.825 was found to reveal the maximum ionic conductivity with least activation energy among all the existing co-doped ceria ceramics. These characteristics compose it a potential applications in the IT-SOFC as the electrolyte material.
Ologunwa Temitope
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Title: Development of Porcelain Insulator using locally available raw materials from Edo state, Nigeria
Ologunwa Temitope P. (Ph.D) had a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) and a Master of Technology (M.Tech) degrees in Industrial Design (Ceramics Option), and PhD in Ceramics. He is currently a Lecturer I at the Department of Industrial Design, School of Environmental Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. He lectures both undergraduate and postgraduate students in Ceramics courses at different levels for the past seven years. He is also a member of Ceramic Researchers’ Association of Nigeria, (CeRAN).
In power systems, there is an ever-increasing demand placed on porcelain insulators, especially for outdoor applications. More so, the massive cost of importation has resulted in a growing need for local manufacture. To this end, production of an electrical porcelain insulator from locally sourced raw materials from Edo state, Nigeria is imminent. The study adopted body formulation from previous research since the onus of the study was to investigate the effect of pressure on the composition as it improves the electrical porcelain insulator. Samples were produced and compressed at varying pressures of 10kN, 20kN, 30kN, 40kN, and 50kN. X-Ray Diffractometer was used to determine the mineralogical compositions of the ray materials. Samples produced were subjected to physical property tests using American standard for Testing and Materials (ASTM C20-00), Automatic Digital Machine (ADR-1500) was used to determine the compressive strength of the samples. Also hipotronic and KEW 3125A High Voltage Insulation tester were used to characterize the electrical property of samples produced. However, the mechanical strength was given priority rather than dielectric breakdown; this is because, dielectric strength is generally sufficient, but most high voltage transmission insulators are subjected to significant tensile strains in service and have a tendency to fail mechanically. Sample compounded with 20kN had the highest mechanical strength of 17.30 N/mm2 and was considered suitable for the production of shackle insulators.
Saini Rahul
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Title: Effect of various constraints on vibration behaviour of functionally graded circular plates under thermal environment
Rahul Saini is presently working as Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India. He graduated in 2012 from Gurukul Kangari Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, India. He obtained his master’s degree in Applied Mathematics in 2015 from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Mr. Saini’s research interest is directed toward vibrations and responses of beams and plates made of composite materials under various complicating effects subjected to aggressive environmental environmental conditions. He is also actively involved in the study of nanostructures and sandwich structures in enhancing performance of composite materials and smart materials.
Rahul Saini has been author of about 10 papers on the above topics, most of which have been published in highly reputed International journals and conferences. He is also the reviewer of various International journals. Recently, he has received “Young Scientist Award” by Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology.
Composite materials are being tailored successfully by engineers to acquire the desired mechanical properties in one/more directions by mixing two or more materials, due to their wide applications in various technological situations. One of the sub-class of such materials known as functionally graded materials (FGMs), is recently invented in 1984. Usually, FGMs are made from a mixture of ceramics and metals. The ceramic phase offers thermal barrier effects and protect the metal from corrosion and oxidation while metallic constituent strengths the structure and prevents material failure. The study for free axisymmetric vibrations of functionally graded thin / thick circular plates subjected to non-linear temperature distribution has been presented. The top and bottom surfaces of the plate are under uniform thermal environment. The mechanical properties of the plate material are assumed to be temperature-dependent. The equations for thermo-elastic equilibrium as well as axisymmetric motion have been derived using Hamilton’s principle. Employing approximate methods, the numerical values of thermal displacements from thermo-elastic equilibrium equation and frequencies from the equation of motion for the lowest three modes of vibration have been computed for clamped and simply-supported plates. The effect of the temperature difference at the surfaces together with other constraints on the frequencies has been investigated. For the validity of present considerations and the technique, frequency parameter has been compared for some special cases with published results obtained from other approximate methods.
Amira Amin
Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, Egypt
Title: Synthesis of zinc ferrite nano-particles from industrial wastes and its ability to remove selenium metal ion from waste water
Dr. Amira M. M. AMIN is a researcher in the Ceramic and Refractory Materials Department, Advanced Materials Division, Central Metallurgical Research & Development Institute (CMRDI), Egypt. She graduated from chemical engineering department, faculty of engineering, El-Minia university. She got her M.Sc in Chemical Engineering entitled "Porous Ceramic Based Cordierite From Waste Materials" and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering entitled "Developing of Bioceramic Materials Based CaO-SiO2 System" from Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University. She has good experiences in processing, sintering and characterization of dense and porous ceramics including, bioceramics. She is very much interested in bioceramic materials
The purpose of this study is investigate the selenium (Se) removal efficiency of zinc ferrite nano-particles from Synthetic Waste Water. Single phase zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) nano-particles with a mean crystallite size of 9-64 nm were prepared from industrial waste materials (steelmaking wastes) by co-precipitation method at low temperature (100 oC). Steelmaking wastes were characterized by XRF and XRD. The influence of ferrite synthesis condition such as the effect of annealing temperature on the crystallite size was investigated. The produced nano-powder was annealed at different annealing temperatures 150, 300, 500 and 850 oC for 5h. It was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), ï¬eld emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The magnetic properties were demonstrated by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Additionally, its adsorption rate was estimated with different conditions such as pH, sorbent masses and contact time. The results show that, The values of the quantities that were collected by VSM, such as saturation magnetization and coercivity field, were primarily dependent on the crystallite size whereas, with the increase in particle size, magnetization decreases. Zinc ferrite nanoparticles has good adsorption capacity for selenium.
Vijay Kumar Srivastava
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, INDIA
Title: Effect of carbonization and multi-walled carbon nanotubes on polyacrylonitrile short carbon fibre polymer composites
Prof. Vijay K Srivastava has completed B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering in 1977, M.Tech. in Machine Design in 1979 and Ph.D. in 1987 from Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) varanasi, india. He is Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India. He has published more than 155 papers in International Journals. He has supervised more than 40 master theses and 4 Ph. D. Thesis. Presently, he is FOUNDER PRESIDENT OF “ICRACM SERIES CONFERENCE.”Prof. Srivastava, has also honored Adjunct Professorship in Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology at Swinburne University of Technology (SUT), Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia for the period from 1st August 2016 to 30th August 2019. As an Adjunct Professor, Dr. Srivastava will determine the range of research activities with the faculty of Swinburne University for the benefits of students.The appintment is not as an employee of Swinburne University but active collaborator of bilateral international project and are not entitled to salary from SUT.
The present work deals with the characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) filled and unfilled short carbon fibre reinforced epoxy resin composites. Short carbon fibres (10 mm) were selected from different processing stages such as i) white colour polyacrylontrile fibres (PAN), ii) pre-carbonized carbon fibres (Precarbonized CF), iii) oxidized carbon fibres (OPF), iv) fully carbonized carbon fibres (CF-low) and v) sized carbon fibres (CF Sized).The effects of MWCNTs on mechanical and electrical properties of short carbon fibres reinforced epoxy resin composites were characterized by three points bending test, hardness test, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, electrical conductivity test, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the mechanical and electrical properties of the investigated materials markedly depend on the type of short fibres and on the presence of MWCNTs.
Waseem Abbas
City University of HongKong, Hongkong
Title: Thermally Stable Highly Efficient Energy Density 10BiScO3-90BaTiO3 Thin Film Capacitor obtained Via A-site vacancy plus rotator crystal strategy
Waseem Abbas finished MS in Experimental Physics Electronics from the Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Chia. His main research work has been related to Organic-inorganic hybrid, Perovskite thin film solar cell. He is student in City university of Hong Kong doing research on led-free perovskite, ferroelectric thin films for energy storage Capacitors and has Publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Competing the stable energy density with high efficiency against varying temperature of the lead-based ceramic capacitors is a big challenge for lead-free applications. Different approaches have been used to overcome this problem: multilayer structure with interface effect and defect engineering and microstructure control are best of them.This study presents a ground-breaking strategy to improve the energy storage performance in BiSc-based lead-free ceramics thin films. Here we investigated the recoverable energy storage properties of rotator(110-textured) crystals of A-cations deficient 10BiScO3-90BaTiO3(10BSBT) thin films deposited on platinized-silicon(Pt-Si) substrate by using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. It is revealed that the synergistic effects of (110)-textured (rotator effect) with the A-site vacancies got superior recoverable energy storage performance even double the reported morphotropic phase boundary(MPB) of 40BiScO3-60BaTiO3 epitaxial thin film(100%(100)-textured) with outstanding thermal stability and breakdown strength(BDS). The results indicate that the Wr of the (110)-strong textured with A-site vacancy of 10BSBT thin film increases linearly (up to ~28.8 J/cm3) and efficiency decreases slightly (97%-92%) with the increasing of electric field E(0.29-2.8 MV/cm) at 25oC, while Wr of ~25 J/cm3 remains nearly temperature independent in the range of 25oC to 200oC under the E of ~2.57 MV/cm with the weakly temperature dependent efficiency >80%. The stable energy density and breakdown strength against varying temperature is one of the best reported in lead-based thick/thin films ceramic capacitors with the highest efficiency according to the best of our knowledge.
Santanu Ghosh
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Title: Radiation Stability of Nanostructured Ytrium Stabilized Zirconia
Santanu Ghosh has long expertise in the area of radiation stability of ceramic oxides and ion materials interaction. He is PI of 5 international project, which include one presitigious CRP funded by IAEA, UNO. He is also PI of 7 national project. He has delivered 40 invited talks, published two books, 6 book chapters and 87 paper in peer reviewed journals. He has presently devoloped prototypes of CNT based field emission microscope and x-ray sources. One of this is filed as patent.
Radiation damage in materials is strongly influenced by specific energy loss (electronic energy loss (Se) and/or nuclear energy loss (Sn)), material microstructure (grain size) and environmental (irradiation) temperature.For a systematic understanding of the dependence of radiation tolerance on these factors, yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) with different grain sizes (tens of nano-meters to few microns) were irradiated under different conditions (single beam irradiation with high energy (Se>>Sn) ions at 300K and 1000K, single beam irradiation with low energy (Sn>>Se) ions at 300K & simultaneous dual beam irradiation with high and low energyions at 300K).The low and high energy ions were chosen to mimic the damage produced by alpha recoils and fission fragments respectively, and thus the irradiations at 1000K and the dual beam irradiations helped to better simulate typical nuclear reactor environment. For the high energy (single beam)irradiations, (i) the nano-crystalline samples were more damaged compared to the micro-crystalline sample irrespective of the irradiation temperature and (ii) the damage for all grain sizes was found to be reduced at 1000K compared to that at 300K.Interestingly,this damage reduction was significantly more for the nano-crystalline samples as compared to the microcrystalline one.Results are explained in the framework of thermal spike model.