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Monika Singh

Indian Institute of Technology -BHU, India


Monika Singh is  5 th year  Ph.D. student in School of Materials science and technology ,Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University(IIT-BHU) She is pursuing her research work  under the supervision of Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh (Associate professor). She received his MSc in Physics from the Banaras Hindu University. She has expertise in the study of flash sintering behaviors and its applications. Her research is focused on Study of ceramic and composite based Electrode and electrolyte materials for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFCs).  She found the effect of different dopants addition on structure, morphology, sintering, electrical properties of Ceria ceramics as electrolyte for IT-SOFCs. She also successfully improved the ionic conductivity of ceramic oxides as solid electrolytes by addition of carbonates. She has published research papers in the international reputated journals and international conference proceedings.


Abstract : The effect of Ga3+ and Cu2+ co-doping on ionic conductivity of Ceria Ceramics as Solid Electrolyte for IT-SOFCs