Prof. Dr. J. Ma. Rincón is a Senior Research Professor (Profesor de Investigación) at the Instituto E. Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, where he is the foundator and Head of the Glass- Ceramics Laboratory. He was the former General Secretary of the Spanish Glass and Ceramic Society and Editor - in- Chief of the scieniific bulletin: Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram.Vidr (period 1988-92). Since last 2006 he has promoted as Head of the new Department at IETcc, CSIC: Construction Systems for Buildings (Sistemas Constructivos de la Edificación) Dr. Rincón since 1970 has conducted glass-ceramics and electron microscopy researchs and in all type of ceramics, glasses and glass-ceramics and their raw materials, being the author of seven monograph books ( three edited on english ) and 170 scientific papers in glass-ceramics and advanced ceramics. He worked as invited Professor at the Department of Materials Science and National Electron Microscopy Laboratory of the University of Califomia, Berkeley during 1984-85. There he collaborated with Prof. Gareth Thomas in microstructure and microanalysis (AEM and HREM ) characterization of zirconial/ mullite composite ceramics. The group leadered by Prof. Rincon is mainly investigating, under european and industry contracts, in the design and development of new glass-ceramics for coatings and by recycling of industrial wastes. Also is member of several national and international scientific nettworks, such as the TC05 Commitee of the International Commission of Glass focused in inmobilization and recycling of industrial wastes in glassy matrices. He is reviewer of various SCI Bulletins in glasses, ceramics, construction materials and environmental protection. Since last 15 years his group is specially active in the VITRIFICATION and RECYCLING of a wide range of industrial residues, from minerals and natural stone production, metallurgical, ceramics, electronic, energy production, etc…and simulated radioactive industrial wastes. Due to his experience in electron microscopy and microanalysis he has also conducted research in archaeometric characterization of ancient glasses and ceramics giving rise to several SCI papers in this area. In the recent period (2011-15) Prof. Rincón was the President of the Spanish Society of Scientists (AEC) and editor-in chief of the divulgation bulletin: Acta CientÃfica y Tecnológica.
Research Interest
new glass-ceramics for coatings and recycling of industrial wastes
Piedad N de Aza studied Chemistry at the Autonoma University of Madrid and Ceramic at the Santiago de Compostela University where she received her PhD. She did a postdoctoral stage at the IRC in Biomaterials at the Queen Mary & Wetsfield College, University of London (U.K.) working on in vitro and in vivo behavior of bioceramics. At this moment, she is the Head of the Materials Science, Optic and Electronic Technology Department, Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering and Researcher in the Bioengineering Institute at the Miguel Hernandez de Elche University.
Research Interest
Design and developing new polycrystalline biomaterials (dense and porous) with controlled microstructures making use of appropriated phase equilibrium diagrams and to study, a part of their physical properties, their behavior in vitro (sterm cells) and in vivo (bioactivity in rats and dogs). Actually, main emphasis is putting on the tissue engineering field study of the tissue-ceramic implant interfaces.
Dr Frédéric Aguesse received his PhD degree from Imperial College London, UK, in 2012 following a Master Science degree at the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France. In February 2012, Frédéric Aguesse started as a postdoctoral researcher and then Associate Researcher (from 2015) at CIC Energigune on ceramic materials for all-solid state batteries and post-mortem analysis. Since his early start Frédéric developed collaborations with worldwide institutes such as ETH Zürich, MIT Boston, the London Centre of Nanotechnology and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, where he worked as research visitor in 2010. He also performed a 6-month stay at Argonne National Laboratory in the Battery and Energy Storage Division. Dr. Aguesse presents a large knowledge on the development of ceramics, functional materials and thin films by means of physical vapour deposition techniques. During his PhD he studied the magnetoelectric effect in thin films and at CIC Energigune he works in developing all-solid state batteries and dedicates his skills for the preparation of ceramics with high Li-ions conductive properties and their integration in full cells. Frédéric constantly looks for opportunities to develop new skills and aptitudes and he is acquiring further experience by developing an inspiring protocol for a fast characterisation of aged/end-of-the-life Li-ion cells in close collaboration with international battery companies. His research has been published in more than 20 peer-reviewed papers and he owns a patent on all-solid-state batteries.
Research Interest
Functional materials, Thin films