Day :
- Track: 5 Designing and Engineering of Ceramic Composites; Track: 6 Ceramics and Systems for Energy and Environment; Track: 7 Surface Engineering and Ceramic Coating; Track: 8 Innovative Processing and Synthesis

Akio Nakamura is a PhD from University of Tokyo (1975). He is a Senior Researcher at ASRC/ JAEA, studying solid state electrochemistry of fluorite oxides. He is the author of ~200 peer-reviewed papers, Guest Editor/Organizing Committee Member of many International Conferences. He is the book editor for books like “New research trends of fluorite-based oxide materials; from basic chemistry and materials science to engineering applications” from Nova Science Publishers (NY) published in 2015, and a recipient of Jubilee Gold Medal Award for Excellent Work in Materials Chemistry at the ICFM-2015 convened by Indian Association of Solid State Chemists and Allied Scientists at Nagpur, India, 2015.
This presentation describes the recently proposed a new comprehensive defect-crystal-chemistry approach as a possible unified generalized Vegard-Law (VL) description of non-Vegardianity and non-random defect structure of entitled so-called defect-fluorite oxides as inherently coupled two sides of distortion-dilation in macroscopic lattice parameter and microscopic ionic radius level, respectively. It provides a new direct link to their controversial defect structure and its dependent key basic as well as engineering properties such as oxide-ion conductivity (σ(ion)) and defect thermodynamic behavior, etc. This presentation is a condensed review of the technology; and scientifically emphasized description of the value of Mössbauer, NMR and EXAFS, etc., microscopic and spectroscopic local structure data in combination with macroscopic XRD lattice parameter/crystal structure data in both formulating and substantiating the model, and in practical engineering aspect, in view of their well-known application as solid electrolytes in SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) technology. I appeal its near quantitative ability to predict and describe their key characteristic feature of ionic conductivity maximum (σ(ion)(max)) behavior in low dopant (Ln3+) content range.
Alexander Michaelis
Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and Systems, Germany
Title: Advanced ceramics for energy systems

Alexander Michaelis is the Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Germany. He studied physics and received his Doctorate in the field of electrochemistry. In 1996 he accepted a position at Siemens AG working in the field of microelectronics amongst others at the DRAM Development Alliance in East Fishkill, New York. In 2000, he began to work for Bayer AG in Leverkusen changing subsequently to H.C. Starck GmbH, a Bayer subsidiary, where he was head of the Electroceramics and the New Business Development department. Furthermore, he was the managing director of InDEC B.V. working in the field of solid oxide fuel cells and finished his state doctorate at University of Düsseldorf. Since 2004, he has been director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS and has been holding the chair of Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials at TU Dresden. He has more than 40 patent families in materials science, microelectronics, and electronics and provided more than 100 publications. In 2012 he was awarded the ACerS Bridge Building Award for his contribution in the field of energy and environmental technology.
Advanced ceramic materials offer enormous potential for innovations in the fields of efficient energy conversion and storage as well as environmental technology. The joint application of structural and functional ceramic technology allows for unique combination of electronic, ionic (electrochemical) and mechanical properties enabling the development of new, highly integrated systems. We present specific examples for Fuel Cell, Li-Ion and high temperature Na-metal batteries as well as ceramic membrane systems development. As a first example, high temperature fuel cell systems developments for both mobile and stationary applications are presented. In the power range from 1 W to several 10 kW we use SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) technology, for the high power range up to several MW we prefer MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell) technology. Both fuel cell types use conventional hydrocarbon fuels and are currently being commercialized. Using related ceramic technology platforms we also develop energy storage systems in different power ranges. Examples for fabrication of Li-Ion batteries as well as high temperature NaNiCl batteries are presented. The production of both, power generation and storage systems require new approaches for non-destructive in line testing methods which are discussed as well. For illustration of the potential of advanced ceramic materials in environmental technology, ceramic membrane systems are discussed. Ceramic membranes can be used for micro-, ultra- or nano- filtration of liquids. Further innovations require an improved control and reduction of pore size. This allows for new applications in gas separation and pervaporation systems. For this, pores sizes below 1 nm have to be generated using specific structural features of selected materials.

Hiroyuki Serizawa obtained his PhD from Osaka University at the age of 31. He is a Research Scientist at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. He was a guest researcher at the Joint Research Centre’s Institute for Transuranium Elements, Germany (ITU) from 2000 for one year as a student sent abroad by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals. His work on image crystals will be published by Nova Science Publishers in the near future.
Author’s investigation on cavities in ceramics was triggered by the unexpected discovery of a polyhedral cavity in a UO2 matrix. The SEM image that attracted author’s attention was a cavity observed in the fracture surface of a single crystal ofUO2 that washeat-treated in helium at 90 MPa, followed by annealing at 1573 K for 1 h. It was clear that the cavity was a negative crystal that was formed by the precipitation of helium during heat treatment after Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) injection. In a series of experiments, it was noticed that the shape of the negative crystal changes depending on the heat-treatment history. In general, it is difficult to control arbitrarily the shapes of these polyhedral negative crystals embedded in a solid medium; however, the shape can easily be controlled using the helium injection method. Author’s research team named the shape controlled negative crystal as image crystal. At this time, it was discovered that three types of image crystals formed in UO2. Further research was conducted on the formation of image crystals in CeO2. However, because of manufacturing difficulties, single-crystal CeO2 is not available. Consequently, it wsa used a CeO2 thin film formed by epitaxial growth. Helium was injected as 130-keV He4+ ions from a 400-keV ion implanter. The helium-ion-doped film was heat treated at 1673 K for 2h. The sample was cut into rectangular slices fortransmission electron microscopy.Weconfirmed that nanosized image crystalshad been formed in the matrix.

Raed Abu-Reziq completed his Doctorate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in catalysis and sol-gel chemistry. After receiving his PhD degree in 2004, he moved to Ottawa University, Canada, to do his Postdoctoral research in the field of nanocatalysis. In 2006 he joined the company Sol-Gel Technologies as Senior Researcher and spent two years in developing micro and nano-encapsulation systems based on sol-gel process as drug delivery systems. In 2008, he was appointed as Senior Lecturer at Institute of Chemistry and Casali Center for Applied Chemistry. His research focuses on nanocatalysis, green chemistry and developing micro and nanoencapsulation methods.
Microcapsules have taken an important role in controlled release of active agents, such as drugs and agrochemicals, and enable a microenvironment for catalytic reaction. One known encapsulation process is based on silica microcapsules prepared by the sol-gel method. Sol-gel microcapsules are known to be inert, biocompatible and flexible; therefore they are commonly used in pharmaceutics and cosmetics. Many of these ingredients are water- sensitive, thus a new method for preparing a silica microcapsules is required. In our research, we focus on preparing a silica microcapsules by non-aqueous and non-hydrolytic sol-gel chemistry. To achieve that, non-aqueous emulsions are prepared using polar and non-polar organic solvent and a silane precursors that can polymerize and produce silica at the interface of the emulsion, without a hydrolysis step. The polar solvent that was chosen is ionic liquids and the silica was formed by the reaction of tetrachlorosilane with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or benzyl alcohol. Ionic liquids are thermally and chemically stable, not volatility and they are liquids over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. These properties make them good solvent for a broad spectrum of materials and catalytic reactions. The preparation of the silica microcapsules by non-aqueous sol-gel method, their characterization and applications will be presented.
Muzafar A Kanjwal
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Title: Electrospun NiO, ZnO and composite NiO-ZnO nanofibers: Photocatalytic degradation of dairy effluent

Muzafar A Kanjwal has completed his PhD from Chonbuk National University, South Korea. Currently, he is working as a Researcher at National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark. He has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals. His research focuses on photocatalysis, and developing nano/micro structures by electrospinning method.
Among the food wastes, the Dairy Effluent (DE) is considered to be the most polluting one because of the large volume of waste water generated and its high organic load. Photocatalytic degradation of DE and organic dye methylene blue (MB) was studied using zinc oxide nanofibers (ZnO NFs), nickel oxide nanofibers (NiO NFs) and composite zinc oxide-nickel oxide nanofibers (ZnO-NiO NFs). These nano-membranes were characterized with SEM, TEM, XRD and UV studies. The pristine nanofiber membranes were smooth and continuous, with an average diameter of about 400 nm, and held their nanofibrous morphology even after calcination at 600 ˚C for more than 3 hours of photocatalytic degradation of DE and MB dye. The ZnO NFs and NiO NFs were effective materials for degradation of DE and MB dye. NiO NFs and ZnO NFs showed a maximum degradation of 70% and 75% in DE and 50% and 60% in MB dye, respectively, after 3 hours. The significant enhancement of degradation in the composite ZnO-NiO NFs is attributed to the photoactivity of material under visible light irradiation. The composite ZnO-NiO NFs eliminated 40% of DE and 65% of MB dye, respectively, after 1 hour and maximum degradation of 80% DE after 3 hours and 100% MB dye after 90, min respectively. Overall, this study shows that the nanofibers’ morphology strongly enhances the surface activity of the ZnO-NiO photocatalyst when utilized to degrade DE and MB dye at room temperature.

Ram Gupta joined Pittsburg State University as an Assistant Professor in 2013. Before joining to Pittsburg State University, he worked as an Assistant Research Professor at Missouri State University, Springfield, MO then as a Senior Research Scientist at North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC. His research focuses on green energy production and storage using nanomaterials, optoelectronics and photovoltaics devices, organic-inorganic hetero-junctions for sensors, nanomagnetism, conducting polymers and composites. He has published over 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented/attended more than 100 conferences. He is an Editorial Board Member and reviewer for various leading science journals.
Supercapacitors are considered one of the most prominent and efficient energy storage devices, next to lithium ion batteries due to their high power densities, fast charge-discharge capabilities and long cyclibility. Supercapacitors possess high power density in compare to batteries and are able to solve the increasing demand for energy in small consumer products, electrical vehicles and devices where quick power delivery is highly desired. We have used several facile methods to synthesized nanostructured ceramics such as NiCo2O4, Fe3O3 and CoMoO4. The electrochemical properties of these metal oxides were studied in details. It was observed that the charge-storage capacity depends on their morphology and electrolytes used. We have fabricated flexible supercapacitor device by using these metal oxides. The device showed no degradation in the capacitive properties on bending confirming their flexible nature. We have also studied the effect of temperature on the charge storage capacity of the devices for high temperature applications. The specific capacitance of the device significantly increased when the operational temperature of the device was elevatedfrom10 to 70oC. Hence, this work provides facile methods to synthesize morphologies controlled metal oxides for applications in next generation flexible energy storage devices which could drive more efficiently at higher temperature.
Ajay Kumar Mishra
University of South Africa, South Africa
Title: Silicon Carbide: A versatile nanomaterial

Ajay Kumar Mishra is currently working as Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He is a group leader of the research area for the composites/nanocomposites, water research and bio-inorganic chemistry. He has hosted several visiting researchers/scientists/postdocs in his group. Prof. Mishra has also developed a number of collaborations worldwide. Prof. Mishra has pursued PhD in Chemistry from Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi, India. In 2006, he moved to the University of Free State, South Africa for Postdoctoral studies in the area of composites/nanocomposites. His research contribution includes many publications in international journals. He has delivered a number of including Plenary/Keynote/Invited Lectures. For his outstanding research profile, he was awarded a number of awards. Prof. Mishra also served as Associate Editor as well as member of the editorial board of many international journals. He has edited several books by the renowned publishers. He has been reviewing a number of international journals and member of a number of scientific societies.
Silicon carbide (SiC) has been considered for the thrust area of research since long time due to its unique thermal and mechanical properties. SiC is well known for its excellent material properties, high durability, high wear resistance, light weight and extreme hardness. We have synthesized SiC from the hybrid of bio-polymer using sol-gel process via carbothermal reduction. This talk will focus on the synthesis, properties and applications of silicon carbide nano ceramic materials using different source of polymer/organic waste.
Sheikh A Akbar
The Ohio State University (OSU), USA
Title: Nano-structured oxide platforms for chemical sensing and beyond: A materials design

Sheikh A. Akbar is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Founder of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Industrial Sensors and Measurements (CISM) at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, USA. His recent work deals with synthesis-microstructure-property relations of ceramic bulk, thin-film and nano-structures. Dr. Akbar was the Chair of the 12th International Conference on Chemical Sensors (IMCS-12) held in 2008. This meeting was attended by 330 participants from more than 30 countries. His sensors received three (3) R&D 100 Awards as part of the 100 best inventions of 2007 and 2005 selected by R&D Magazine and 2005 NASA TGIR (turning goal into reality) award. Dr. Akbar is the recipient of the 2012 Electrochemical Society Sensor Division Outstanding Achievement Award, the 2002 Tan Chin Tuan Fellow of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and the 2001 Fulrath Award and the 2002 W.E. Cramer Award of the American Ceramic Society. He was elected a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society in 2001. He also received the 1993 B.F. Goodrich Collegiate Inventors Award for the development of a rugged and durable CO/H2 sensor; one of three national awards. Dr. Akbar served on the International Advisory Committee of CIMTEC conferences, Steering Committee of the International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE), Technical Steering Committee of the US-DOE Sensor and Controls Program, and the Steering Committee of the US-Japan Conference on Sensor Systems for the 21st Century. He has co-organized sensor symposia for the American Ceramic Society, the Electrochemical Society, ICMAT (Singapore) and ICC3 (Japan). Dr. Akbar has co-edited 2 books on sensors. In 2003, he served as the Guest Editor for two special sections of the Journal of Materials Science, “Chemical Sensors for Pollution Monitoring and Control†and “Chemical and Bioceramics.†Recently, he was the Principal Editor of special issues entitled, “Nano-structured Ceramic Oxides: Challenges and Opportunities†and “Energy and Environment: Role of Advanced Materials†published by the American Scientific Publisher in 2011 and 2014, respectively. He is also the Guest Editor of a special issue entitled, “Sensing at the Nano-scale: Chemical and Biosensing†published in 2012 in Sensors. Dr. Akbar is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing, Materials Focus, Ceramics International, Journal of Nanomaterials and Sensor Letters. He has published more than 200 technical papers and holds 8 patents.
Recent work in the author’s laboratory has led to the development of simple processes for the fabrication of ordered and self-assembled nanostructures by exploiting intrinsic material properties that are inexpensive, highly scalable and do not require use of lithography. These processes can be classified as “oxide nanostructures by materials designâ€. One process creates nanofiber arrays of single crystal TiO2 by gas phase reaction in a H2/N2 environment. As oxygen from TiO2 is taken out as H2O (g), Ti diffuses from the surface to the bulk resulting in fibers oriented along the <001> direction. Work on single crystal TiO2 shows that on Au-catalyzed (001) surface, oriented nano-fibers can be grown with <001> and <110> alignments using H2/N2 heat treatment. The same gas heat treatment was also used to grow nanofibers on polycrystalline SnO2 in regions of the sample coated with gold, showing directional growth on grains with crystal facets. We have also developed a process to create nanofibers of TiO2 on Ti metal and Ti alloys via oxidation under a limited supply of oxygen (~10s of ppm). Lately, we have succeeded in converting the 1-D TiO2 nano-fiber grown by thermal oxidation to nano-dendritic titanates by a hydrothermal treatment. The conversion of TiO2 to barium (and other) titanates is a path to synthesizing materials in a different class of functionality because of their piezoelectric and ferroelectric responses. We developed yet another interesting nano-structure (nanoislands and nanobars) during thermal annealing of an oxide (GDC) on top of another oxide (YSZ) substrate that self-assembles along the softest elastic direction of the substrate. What is common about these structures is that they are fabricated without the use of lithographic techniques and involves simple processes such as gas-phase reactions and stress-driven process. These nano-structures can be used as platforms for chemical sensing, photo catalysis, electro emission and biomedical applications. Pre-liminary results of some of these applications are presented.
Allu Amarnath Reddy
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Title: Development of bi-layered glass-ceramic sealant for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)

Allu Amarnath Reddy has completed his PhD at the age of 29 years from University of Aveiro, Portugal. Currently he is working as a Postdoctoral student at University of Bordeaux, France. He has published 25 papers in reputed journals. His research focuses on the development of glass and glass-ceramic based photonic and sealant materials.
Glass and glass-ceramic (GC), in particular alkaline-earth alumino silicate based glasses and GCs, are becoming the most common sealing materials for gas-tight sealing applications in SOFCs. Besides the development of new glass-based materials, new additional concepts are required to overcome the challenges being faced by the currently existing sealant technology.In this pursuit, various glasses and GCs in the field of diopside crystalline materials have been synthesized and characterized by a wide array of techniques. All the glasses were prepared by melt-quenching technique while GCs were produced by sintering of glass powder compacts at the temperature ranges from 800ï€900 ºC for 1ï€1000 h. Furthermore, the influence of various ionic substitutions, especially SrO for CaO, and Ln2O3 (Ln=La, Nd, Gd, and Yb), for MgO + SiO2 in Al-containing diopside on the structure, sintering and crystallization behaviour of glasses and properties of resultant GCs has been investigated, in relevance with final application as sealants in SOFC. From the results obtained in the study of diopside-based glasses, a bi-layered concept of GC sealant is proposed to overcome the challenges being faced by SOFCs.Bi-layer GC contains a rigid and a self-healing (SH)GC layer. The concept behind the Bi-layer GC is : (i) a small gradient in the CTE will lead to lower thermal expansion mismatch between the sealing layers and the other SOFC components, thus provide enhanced mechanical reliability for the stack; (ii) cracks produced due to minor thermal stresses in the rigid GC layer can be healed by the SH-GC due to its sufficient amorphous content. Obtained experimental results from chemical, thermal, mechanical and electrical studies confirm the good suitability of the investigated bi-layered sealant system for SOFC applications.
Erfan Zalnezhad
Hanyang University, South Korea
Title: Fretting fatigue life evaluation of Zr/ZrO2 nanotubes coating on Ti-6Al-4V for biomedical application

Erfan Zalnezhad has completed his PhD at the age of 34 years from University Malaya. In June 2013, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In March 2015 he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea. Throughout his engineering career, he has awarded several major research projects funded by the public and private sectors, and he has also undertaken various consulting assignments in the field of surface coating, fatigue and fracture of materials. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute.
Herein, the fretting fatigue behavior of zirconium nanotube arrays on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V is studied. Initially, a thin film of pure zirconium (Zr) was deposited onto a Ti-6Al-4V substrate using physical vapor deposition (PVD) magnetron sputtering for the primary layer at varying DC power, temperature and substrate bias voltage values. Consequently, nanotubes were produced via Zr anodization in an NH4F electrolyte solution (95 glycerol: 5 water) at different times and at a constant potential of 60 V (second layer). The fretting fatigue behavior of anodized samples annealed at 400℃ and 800℃ was investigated. The results indicate that the fretting fatigue life of the ZrO2 nanotube-coated samples was significantly improved at low and high cyclic fatigue at an annealing temperature of 400℃ compared to the uncoated samples.

Om Parkash did his MTech and PhD in Material Science in 1975 and 1977 respectively from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India under C N R Rao, F.R.S. He joined as a Faculty Member in School of Materials Science & Technology, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, in 1980. He joined as a Professor of Electrical & Electronic Ceramics in the Dept. of Ceramic Engineering of the institute in 1998. He has been working on ‘Solid electrolytes and nanocomposites based on doped and co-doped ceria for intermediate and low temperature solid oxide fuel cells’. The objective of this research is to develop low cost solid electrolytes for the above purpose.
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are clean source of energy generation. Solid electrolyte constitutes an important component of the SOFCs. YSZ has been in use for this purpose. But it exhibits adequate oxygen ions conductivity at high temperature viz 900-1000°C. This high temperature puts lot of constraints on the use of materials in the construction of the cell and cell stacks. For the last few years, rare earth doped ceria has received a great deal of attention due to enhanced ionic conductivity in the intermediate temperature range 500-700°C. Samarium doped ceria SDC and gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) have been reported to have high ionic conductivity among trivalent lanthanides. But Sm and Gd are very costly. Hence, there is an increasing interest to identify and develop new ceria based oxides using cost-effective dopants for technological applications. A new co-doping approach has been introduced to further increase the conductivity in the intermediate temperature range and to reduce the cost also. An improvement in the conductivity has been found by co-doping. Recently, the research has been going on the ceria/salt based nanocomposite solid electrolyte to further increase the ionic conductivity at low temperature viz. 300-600°C. The composites, composed of two phases one is doped ceria crystalline phase and other is amorphous salt (carbonate, chloride, hydrate or sulphate), show conductivity in the range 0.01-1S-cm−1 at 400–600°C and suppress the electronic conductivity effectively. The present overview summarizes the investigations on the ionic conductivity of singly and co-doped ceria and nanocomposites based on ceria/carbonate dual phase.
- Track: 1 Fundamentals fromTheory to Practice; Track: 2 Electro-Magnetic and Optical Ceramics and Devices; Track: 3 Bioceramics and Health; Track: 4 Ceramics Under Severe Environments and Refractories
Session Introduction
Marius Stan
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Title: Chemical and heat transport in uranium oxide

Marius Stan is the National Technical Director of the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program. He is also a Senior Computational Energy Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, a Senior Fellow of the Computation Institute at University of Chicago, and a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Science and Engineering at Northwestern University. His main research interests include multi-scale and multi-physics models and simulations of heat and mass transport in ceramics and metals for energy applications.
Modern society has increasing energy needs that require new materials with significantly improved properties. Advanced mathematical modeling and high performance computer simulation, coupled with experimental validation, contribute to enhancing the understanding of the complex phenomena that occur in materials at multiple time and length scales. This presentation reviews recent computational materials science results focused on improving the understanding of heat and chemical (oxygen, fission products) transport in uranium oxide – a ceramic material of high importance for nuclear energy applications. After a brief description of the multi-scale methodology – density functional theory (DFT+U), molecular dynamics (MD), and continuum (FEM) methods – recent results capturing temperature effects and the impact of defects on oxygen diffusivity and thermal conductivity of UO2 are discussed, with an emphasis on the complezxity of the physics and chemistry of the material. The results show a strong driving force for oxygen interstitials to form clusters, wth significant impact on the properties of the UO2 fluorite phase and neighboring compounds. The diffusion properties are a function of the cluster size, with the large clusters exhibiting high mobility through a multi-step mechanism. Experimental validation is also examined, especially the need for dedicated validation experiments. The presentation ends with a discussion of opportunities in the high-performance computing space for improved simulations of heat and chemical species transport in ceramics in general, and in UO2 in particular.

Magdy Y. Abdelaal was born and obtained his PhD in 1991 from Mansoura University, Egypt in collaboration with FU-Berlin, Germany. He is a Professor of Polymer Chemistry at Mansoura University and at KAU, Saudi Arabia on sabbatical since 2004. He has cross-cooperation with many institutions including NIMC and Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan; LNF/INFN, Italy and most institutions in Egypt. He has published 45 papers in reputed journals and served as a reviewer for many international journals. His research focuses on polymers and their nano-composites in wastewater treatment, polymer recycling, pharmaceutical and biomedical applications and as templates for photonanocatalysts preparation.
Chitosan (CS) was included in the preparation of different metal oxides nanoparticles by using a modified sol-gel technique to improve the morphology of the obtained nanoparticles. Titanium oxide (TiO2) and Zirconium oxide (ZrO2) nanoparticles have been prepared separately in presence of CS and/or Palladium (Pd). Similar experiments were conducted in absence of CS to evaluate its impact on the nanoparticles morphology and the obtained nanoparticles have been characterized with XRD, TEM, UV/Vis, PI and BET techniques. The results revealed that CS can effectively prevent the agglomeration of the nanoparticles in both cases of TiO2 and ZrO2 and the nanoparticles are distributed in homogeneous domains within the matrix. Photo catalytic activity was investigated under visible light irradiation by using methylene blue (MB) and thiophene (TH) as model pollutants for TiO2 and ZrO2, respectively. UV-Vis spectroscopic investigation demonstrated that the composite’s ability to absorb visible light is greatly improved which is reflected on its efficacy to degrade the organic pollutants used. Recycling experiments confirmed the relative stability of the catalysts. They were reproducible without significant loss in their activity during the first five cycles.

HEGEDÅ°S received his general medicine degree from the Medical University of Debrecen (Hungary) in 1982 and his Ph.D. degree in Medical Sciences from the University of Debrecen (UD) in 2000. He is currently a full professor and head of the Biomaterials and Prosthetic Dentistry Department at the Faculty of Dentistry UD, and also the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry UD since 2009. His research interest comprises dental materials, the analysis of interfacial systems in dentistry, the metal ceramic-bioceramic and implant surface modification.
In the recent years the bone replacement has been an outstanding solution for the treatment of the spontaneously very slowly or not healing bone illnesses. The application of β-tricalcium-phosphates and hydroxyapatites are widespread for the replacement of the bone artificially. The aim of the study was to prepare mesoporous silica containing biomaterials for dental application, using hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate, as bioactive agents. Silica-based aerogel scaffold was chosen as raw material and modified by different proportions hydroxyapatite (HA), β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). The composite samples were prepared by drying supercritical conditions and heat-treated. Sample A contained only β-TCP as additive, the B combined HA and β-TCP modifiers, and the C sample used only nano-HA as a new alternative. These bioactive materials were characterized by porosimeter, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence elemental analyses and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Biological effect of modified aerogel surfaceswere examined with SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cell line in vitro. As a consequence of the nanoparticles’ ability to be uniformly distributed in the matrix, composite C showed the lowest thermal shrinkage and good mechanical strength, in contrast to other micron-sized inorganic fillers, which may form agglomerates in the matrix. We have demonstrated that these materials are biocompatible and non-toxic for this cell type, and it could be applicable in the dental field in the future.
Zeinab Fereshteh
Isfahan University of Technology, Iran
Title: Modification of Mg-doped fluoridated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles by amino acids as a drug delivering nanobio-polymer composite for tissue engineering
Zeinab Fereshteh has completed her PhD from Isfahan University of Technology. She is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Science, High Technology, and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology. She has published more than 15 papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented/attended more than 10 conferences in the Nano-materials and Nano bio-materials fields.
In the past few years, hydroxyapatite (HA) has been widely used as a bioactive ceramic. Not only does the development of modified-HA by the substitution of Ca ions and OH groups make its chemical composition similar to that of the natural bone tissue, but also improves the in vitro behavior of commercially synthesized HA. Aiming at such capabilities, magnesium-fluoridated hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (Mg-FHA NPs) have been recently developed. But, NPs have high surface energy and therefore, they cannot be well dispersed in a bio-polymer matrix to prepare a polymer/ceramic composite, which is usually required for tissue engineering applications. To resolve this problem, we aimed to modify the surface of Mg-FHA NPs using a few well-known natural amino acids as the cost-effective and environment-friendly bio-materials. As coupling agents, L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine and L-valine amino acids were employed and by performing the sonication technique the surface Mg-FHA NPs was modified. The results confirmed that using amino acid molecules led to uniform dispersion of Mg-FHA NPs in the organic environment by making the surface of NPs hydrophobic, although the length and chemical reactivity of amino acid molecules affected the efficiency of NPs dispersion. The uniform distribution of Mg-FHA NPs could be regarded as a desired condition for polymer/ceramic composite preparation with high applicability for biomedical purposes.
Ajay Kumar Mishra
University of South Africa, South Africa
Title: Silicon Carbide: A versatile nanomaterial

A K Mishra has completed his PhD from Delhi University and Postdoctoral studies from University Free State and University of Johannesburg at the Department of Chemistry. He is also working as “Adjunct Professor†at Jiangsu University, China which is well known University in China. He has published around 100 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute.
Silicon carbide (SiC) nanomaterials are widely investigated due to their unique and fascinating properties such as high strength, good creep, oxidation resistance at elevated temperatures, chemical inertness, thermal stability and resistance to corrosion. Numerous applications of SiC nanomaterials such as their use as semiconducting devices, for reinforcement in ceramic composites, in metal matrix composites and catalytic supports have been investigated worldwide. Sol-gel process combined with the techniques such as polymer blending is used to fabricate the organic-inorganic hybrid materials for the production of composite nanomaterials such as SiC. In thesol-gel process and polymer blend technique, sol-gel derived silica was blended with coal tar pitch, polypropylene-polystyrene blend and polycarbonate to yield silicon carbide nanofibers. Unbleached and bleached soft wood pulps were used as templates and carbon precursors to produce SiC nanorods. Hydrolyzed tetraethyl orthosilicate, silicic acid was infiltrated into the pulps followed by carbothermal reduction to form SiC nanorods. We have synthesized SiC from the hybrid of bio-polymer using sol-gel process via carbothermal reduction. This talk will focus on the synthesis, properties and applications of silicon carbide nano ceramic materials using different source of polymer/organic waste.
Enyew Amare Zereffa
Dilla University, Ethiopia
Title: Progress of lead-free ferroelectric dielectric ceramics: (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3

E A Zereffa obtained his BSc & MSc degrees from the University of Addis Ababa in chemistry. He worked as a Chemistry Teacher for four years in Catholic Mission School after his first degree and as a Lecturer in Dilla university for four years after MSc. He has completed his PhD from Andhra University in chemistry and is presently working in the same university as an Assistant Professor and the Leader of Thematic Research on the subject of ‘Low Cost High Quality Ceramic Materials for the Development of Innovative Small Scale Production Enterprises’.
In recent years, ferroelectric ceramic capacitors have attracted considerable attention due to their potential application in energy storage devices. They become one of the most promising materials for vibration energy harvesters, with the advantages of simple configuration, miniaturized size, higher efficiency and cost-effective fabrication. Lead containing perovskite-type mixed metal oxides at phase boundaries have been found to be extensively useful because of their excellent ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. However, in order to minimize the use of toxic lead, several other materials have been investigated, of which Bismuth Sodium Titanate (BNT) was found to be promising as an environmentally friendly alternative to PZT. The effects of sintering temperature and doping on structure, microstructure, dielectric, phase transition temperature and piezoelectric properties of 0.94(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-0.06BaTiO3 (BNT-6BT) ceramics prepared by solid sintering technique at 1050-1200 °C were investigated. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed that all of the BNT-6BT modified ceramics exhibited a single perovskite structure with monoclinic phase. Fine and homogeneous grains were observed for samples sintered at 1100 °C and 1150 °C and the increase of the sintering temperature upto 1180 °C-1200 °C induces significant grain growth with the appearance of coarse grains. Co-doping of 1% Mg and Nb raised the dielectric constant while single doping with Nb lowered it. Increase in (Mg1/3Nb2/3)4+ concentration up to 15% increased the transition temperature from 275 oC to 339 oC and lowered the dielectric constant.
Cindy Ingraham Keefer
Artist; Bodyworker, USA
Title: Primitive Firing Techniques in High Art Ceramics

Cindy Ingraham Keefer has a Bachelor of Science in Art from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she studied ceramics with Don Reitz for 3 1/2 years before he stepped down from being the head of the dept. She then moved to Montana to receive her graduate degree in Art Education and met Francis Senska who taught her about the native clays and glazes in the area. She incorporated primitive ceramic processing techniques into her own teaching curriculum in Nelson. Now she is a studio artist working in Hermosa Beach, CA and creates paintings, ceramic vessels and bronzes.
Over the course of human history, survival has depended in part by the successful storage of food in solid containers. Ceramic objects have also served us for many domestic purposes from birth through life and into death. Due to industry, Ceramic wares made by hand are now less essential for our survival. Historically, ceramic wares made only for decor demonstrated a wealthy culture, where people had ample time for art; as in the classical period of ancient Greece, or in the fertile lands of Asia and the Americas. These firing technologies that were integral to cultural growth are what inspire me to create less useful objects of art. The physical science of oxidation and reduction known to cause coloration is fascinating. The organic and flammable materials used are transformed into colorants under the high temperatures and these surface colors vary based on the sensitivity to oxygen. Clay vitrifies at various temperatures, depending upon their elemental composition. Firing techniques have developed based on the available clay bodies within the region. For example, red clay which is high in iron may fire to hardness, or vitrify, at 1000°F therefore; the firing technology to bring ceramic vessels to vitrification was created to achieve the greatest success rate with the least breakage or melting. My interest has brought me to mining clay, processing it to a workable body and throwing on the wheel small works of art, functional and non-functional. I also like to create large multi sectional works of art that are fired using a Saggar kiln, a pit fire or a Raku kiln which are used to impart color on low fired bisque ware. My presentation will demonstrate the life process of one of these large works of art that was inspired by the ceramicists throughout history.
Eugenio Zapata-Solvas
CSIC-University of Seville, Spain
Title: Towards the understanding of key properties of ultra-high temperature ceramics for hypersonic applications

Eugenio Zapata-Solvas has completed his PhD studies on the role of grain boundaries in the plasticity of advanced ceramics at the University of Seville in 2008. Then, he carried out postdoctoral studies about physical and chemical properties of UHTCs at Imperial College London and about flash sintering of advanced ceramics at the University of Oxford. He is currently a research fellow from the Materials Science Institute of Seville working on high temperature physical properties of UHTCs and new technologies for ceramics sintering. He has published more than 20 papers in indexed journals.
Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) are promising candidates for hypersonic applications as a consequence of their high melting point, in excess of 3000ºC for ZrB2 and HfB2 UHTCs. The UHTCs community has traditionally focused on the development of more oxidation resistant UHTCs composites in the last decade as a consequence of poor oxidation resistance of monolithic UHTCs. However, hypersonic applications, such as in sharp nose cones (SNC) and sharp-leading edges (SLE), require a combination of high temperature capability and high temperature strength, whereas high thermal conductivity is particularly desirable due to greater thermal transport during exposure in high-temperature reactive environments, by conduction and radiation back to the environment. At last but not least, UHTCs components have to ensure the structural stability of the hypersonic vehicle and should be structurally stable under operating conditions. However, SiC-reinforced UHTCs are not structurally stable above 1800ºC in spite of being considered baseline UHTCs for hypersonic applications as a consequence of their high oxidation resistance compared to other UHTCs composites and concentrate more than 50% of the research articles on UHTCs. In addition, there is a lack of information about structural properties and deformation mechanisms active at high temperature of UHTCs. Therefore, there is a needing for the understanding of UHTCs structural properties to perform a new approach for the development of UHTCs for hypersonic applications, as it will be illustrated; Novel UHTCs components that maximize their structural stability and resistance in addition to its oxidation resistance.
Yuri Kornyushin
Maître Jean Brunschvig Research Unit, Switzerland
Title: Semiclassical models in ceramics and nanoobjects

Yuri Kornyushin had graduated from Taras Shevchenko State University in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1965, was awarded Ph D Degree in 1967, and Dr Sci Degree in 1984. During his career he worked on Physical Bases of Materials Science. From 1965 to 1990 he worked in The Institute for Metal Physics of NAS of Ukraine in Kiev, and from 1991 to 2001 in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
General formulation of thermodynamics of metastable states and relaxation is proposed and discussed. Semiclassical Models are used also as a tool for solving problems in Materials Science. Wide range of processes and materials are considered. Among them crystals, containing micro and macro defects, like point defects, vacancies, dislocations, pores and cracks. Influence of these defects on properties of materials, including strength and fracture ones, are discussed. Polar materials, containing pores and inclusions of different phases are investigated. Cavitation phenomenon in polar materials in external fields is predicted. Semiclassical theory of the basic properties of nanoobjects is formulated. Friction of collective electrons in nanoobjects is taken into account. Comparison of experimental data with theoretical ones shows rather a good agreement. These data can be useful for Master Degree and PhD students, studying Materials Science.
Sergey V Dorozhkin
Reviewer for several international scientific journals, Russia
Title: Bioceramics from calcium orthophosphates

Sergey V Dorozhkin received his MS in chemical engineering with honors in 1984 from Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow, Russia, and PhD in chemistry in 1992 from Research Institute of Fertilizers, Moscow, Russia. From 1992 to 1994 he worked as a Senior Researcher at the same institute, and from 1994 to 1996 he worked as a biotechnologist at a Swiss–Russia joint venture. From 1996 to 2004 he held five temporary postdoctoral positions on various aspects of calcium orthophosphates at five universities of four countries (France, Portugal, Germany and Canada). At present, he serves as a reviewer for several international scientific journals. He has authored more than 60 research papers, about 20 reviews, about 15 book chapters and 3 monographs.
Various types of grafts have been traditionally used to restore damaged bones. In the late 1960’s, a strong interest was raised in studying ceramics as potential bone grafts due to their biomechanical properties. A bit later, such synthetic biomaterials were called bioceramics. In principle, bioceramics can be prepared from diverse materials but this review is limited to calcium orthophosphate-based formulations only, which possess the specific advantages due to the chemical similarity to mammalian bones and teeth. During the past 40 years, there have been a number of important achievements in this field. Namely, after the initial development of bioceramics that was just tolerated in the physiological environment, an emphasis was shifted towards the formulations able to form direct chemical bonds with the adjacent bones. Afterwards, by the structural and compositional controls, it became possible to choose whether the calcium orthophosphate-based implants remain biologically stable once incorporated into the skeletal structure or whether they were resorbed over time. At the turn of the millennium, a new concept of regenerative bioceramics was developed and such formulations became an integrated part of the tissue engineering approach. Now calcium orthophosphate scaffolds are designed to induce bone formation and vascularization. These scaffolds are often porous and harbor different biomolecules and/or cells. Therefore, current biomedical applications of calcium orthophosphate bioceramics include bone augmentations, artificial bone grafts, maxillofacial reconstruction, spinal fusion, periodontal disease repairs and bone fillers after tumor surgery. Perspective future applications comprise drug delivery and tissue engineering purposes because calcium orthophosphates appear to be promising carriers of growth factors, bioactive peptides and various types of cells.